Betekenis van:
mutually exclusive

mutually exclusive
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • unable to be both true at the same time



    1. The two things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.
    2. Love and friendship are mutually exclusive.
    3. The two qualities are mutually exclusive.
    4. Acidification and deacidification of the cuvée shall be mutually exclusive.
    5. The sub-categories of institutions are mutually exclusive.
    6. Categories within Tables 2 (except indicators 33 to 35), 3 and 5 are mutually exclusive within each table.
    7. The principles for business line mapping are:(a) all activities must be mapped into the business lines in a mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive manner;
    8. An entity shall not recognise economic benefits from a combination of refunds and reductions in future contributions based on assumptions that are mutually exclusive.
    9. The processes referred to in paragraph 1 shall be mutually exclusive where wine or grape must is enriched with concentrated grape must or rectified concentrated grape must and an aid is paid under Article 103y.
    10. These two methods of accessing a PM account shall be mutually exclusive, although a participant may choose to have one or more PM accounts, each of which will be accessible by either the Internet or the network service provider.
    11. If two or more mutually exclusive amendments have been tabled to the same part of a text, the amendment that departs furthest from the original text shall have priority and shall be put to the vote first.
    12. Acidification and enrichment, except by way of derogation to be decided by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 195(4), and acidification and de-acidification of one and the same product shall be mutually exclusive processes.
    13. Each institution is counted once, irrespective of the number of offices it maintains in the country. The sub-categories of institutions are mutually exclusive. The total number of institutions is the sum of all sub-categories. Institutions are included from the first time that they are reported to the ECB for the purposes of MFI statistics.
    14. The President shall announce before the vote is taken whether the adoption of an amendment would negate one or more other amendments, either because these amendments are mutually exclusive if they refer to the same passage, or because they are contradictory.
    15. This indicates whether or not the MFI reports monthly balance sheet statistics and can take one of two predefined values which are mutually exclusive: (i) “true” when the MFI is subject to the full reporting requirements; or (ii) “false” when the MFI is not subject to the full reporting requirements.